UNO motor L298P shield Keyestudio kompatibilno z Arduino
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UNO Servo Driver Shield PS2 Keyestudio kompatibilno z Arduino
€12.99 (DDV vključen)
Arduino UNO Servo Driver Shield PS2 Keyestudio je zmogljiv razširitveni modul, ki omogoča enostavno povezovanje do 10 servomotorjev preko PS2 vmesnika ter vključuje stabilne napajalnike za zanesljivo delovanje, idealen za mehanske strukture kot so robotske roke.
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28 - E3
Kategoriji: UNO shields, Nadgradnje kompatibilne z Arduino
Arduino UNO Servo Driver Shield PS2 Keyestudio
Keyestudio Wiki: povezava
This is an Arduino servo driver shield. It has a PS2 interface for using a PS2 handle control. It contains 10 IO interfaces used to connect servos or other sensors. in addition, we have also extended RX/TX interfaces to interface with serial communication modules like BT modules. There are two LM2596 voltage regulator ICs onboard, which can provide a stable 600mA current for each servo.It is also applied to mechanical structures such as robotic arms.